What’s New in Canine Lymphoma
Everyday helpful information, whether you treat or refer your canine lymphoma cases.
Dr. Ettinger says B-cell lymphoma is most common in breeds like Doberman pinschers. Where are we with the current state of canine oncology treatment? At a recent Fetch Conference, Sue Ettinger, DVM, DACVIM (oncology), offered veterinarians some answers to that question.
First, Dr. Ettinger discussed longevity associated with treatment as indicated by clinical remission. Often, she says, owners are afraid to initiate cancer treatment because they don’t want to “poison” their dogs. She reiterates to these clients that dogs don’t get sick from chemotherapy-they get sick from cancer. While 80% of dogs do have side effects from treatment, treated dogs live significantly longer than dogs without treatment. Lymphoma treatment improves an animal’s survival time and quality of life.