Disruptor Mentality – a Perception Shift
Veterinarians are not classically big on change and could be perceived as content with the status quo. What if we weren’t just ok with the current state of affairs and were more of a disruptor of the same-old way of doing things? Looking alternatively for partnerships with people and organizations we once thought were only there to serve their purpose and not our own?
Traditionally, we may have dreaded a pharmaceutical representative entering our offices trying to sell us yet another NSAID or topical product. What if instead, general practice veterinarians were treated as a vital part of the process from being brought in on advisory boards for drug development and had the opportunity to influence change in direction for future therapies? When veterinarians are treated as part of the process on a larger scale, feel heard, and can engage personnel in a mutually enriching dialogue, they are more willing to purchase new medications because they know the advantages for their patients and have formed a trusted partnership with that company’s representative.
Fostering an environment of transparency, mutual respect, as well as patient and client focus can go a long way in further enriching this trusted partnership. What if organizations further took a page from human pharma’s playbook – no longer having individual sales targets for sales representatives? Instead, having them assessed and rewarded primarily based on their technical skills, scientific knowledge, quality of service they deliver to clinics, and their business planning and execution. The goal is no longer a seemingly arbitrary sales target but adding value to the veterinarian’s bottom-line while maintaining and advancing the tools they have to practice the best medicine. We should be looking for opportunities to collaborate and empower each other, so the win-win is client- and patient-focused.
What shifts can you make today? Be the pattern disruptor.