Connecting & Serving Others with Excellence
When it comes to connecting people, our Connect Veterinary Consulting CEO, Dr. Meghan Burns takes the task to heart. She operates with the mission of connecting her customers with their target audience as well as colleagues and industry partners. And
2022 Marketing Trends: How Veterinary Practices Bring on the New Year
Yes, 2020 and 2021 have been rough for veterinary practices—let's face it, for everyone—but that doesn’t mean 2022 has to be about disruption and uncertainty, too.
Nine Things Animal Health Start-ups Need to Know Before Pitching to Investors
Animal health is currently witnessing exponential growth in its start-up scene, with an increasingly large number of new businesses attracted to the sector every year. Dr Meghan E Burns used her skills as a veterinarian, communicator and marketer to found
The Latest in Treating Canine Lymphoma
Everybody reading this article has likely had their life touched by cancer, either personally or through a friend, family member, or beloved pet. Cancer is something we all want to eradicate.
The Latest on Veterinary Cardiology
Veterinary medicine has come a long way in recent years, especially in cardiology, where a large volume of research is underway. Researchers and specialists are making strides in interventional cardiology, which uses advanced procedures and imaging techniques to perform minimally invasive
Pet Travel Basics: Ready to Roam?
The smell of the open road! It’s a staple of the summer travel season. Oh wait, are we behind a garbage truck? What’s that smell? Oh, no Fluffy got car sick! Let’s rewind. This all could have been avoided. If
Heartworm Prevention: Creating a Habit
As the number of heartworm positive animals has increased from 2013 to 2015, one thing is clear – although we have made great strides against heartworm disease, the veterinary profession still has yet to control its spread.
Becoming a Fear Free Practice
What if I told you and your veterinary customers that utilizing one program would allow you to increase client visits, decrease patient and client stress, decrease the potential for vet clinic staff injuries, and potentially decrease one of the most frequent
Repair the Barrier, Not Rinse and Repeat
It's all well and good when the medicine your veterinary customers prescribe does the trick the first time around. But, when owners are not compliant with treatment instructions, skin infections don't respond to antibiotic therapy due to underlying disease, or
The ‘Ugh’s and ‘Why’s of Chronic Otitis
Chronic otitis: it's a ruff situation for everyone (Photo: Shutterstock/Eric Isselee). Chronic otitis is at it again How do we prevent otitis from recurring? At CVC Kansas City, James Noxon, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM), reviewed the best practices of ear treatment,